Monday, 14 June 2010

Toy Soldier / Soldadito de juguete

This is my second project published in Squires Kitchen CAKES & SUGARCRAFT magazine ( issue 109). With this Toy soldier, I teach basic modelling techniques as well as how to covered a piece of polystyrene with sugar paste for the head and the dice.

Este es mi segundo proyecto publicado en la revista de Squires Kitchen CAKES & SUGARCRAFT ( número 109). Con la figura del soldadito de juguete normalmente enseño técnicas básicas de modelado y muestro cómo cubrir piezas de poliestireno con pasta de azúcar para la cabeza y el dado. 


  1. muy simpatico el soldadito. que tal ? va todo por ahi? espero que super bien y felicitaciones por tus trabajos. Un saludo desde Bilbao.
    Y vamos ARGENTINA TODAVIA !!!!!!

  2. como non gustar de una cousa tan preciosa ?felicitaciones encanta tudo que haces.


  3. These figures are great!
    Very impressive work.

  4. Hi Carlos,

    this is the next project I've asked to translate :)
    I really love your style!

    Se you soon,


  5. Im brazilian living in Australia for while and doing some class in cake decorating .
    Your work is wonderful ,I have glass if Joan Macdermott and she teaching the soldier that she did with you. I will post the pic for you in the end. I hope to be beautiful like yours.
    In January Im going to London and have some class with you.
    It is a pleasure if you have a look on my blog and you can see my work with sugar.
    Flowers Sweet cake

    See you soon.

    Luciene Masironi
